Thursday 30 October 2008

Opening of the new club room at the Mountain and the house in San Blas

Last week was a busy week with the opening of both the new club room at the mountain and the house in San Blas! We are really chuffed that both events could take place before our trip home to the UK. The event at the mountain included a distribution of clothing to local families, including some more of the jumpers from the knitting project, a performance of songs in English by the children from the club, music from our church worship group and a meal of spaghetti bolognese for all the 120+ people who came! We were very pleased that nearly all the children brought at least one parent with them. A big thank you to everyone who has contributed money, labour, and other resources for this project. Here are a few photos of the event, plus you can click here for more.

San Blas has already had a number of guests and it is still an ongoing project, but with the completion of the painting of the guest rooms now seemed a good time to invite our friends round to see the place. It was an informal afternoon with snacks and a chance to look round. Next year we will have to have another opening event for the cafe area! We have a big team of volunteers coming to stay after Christmas so we are just sorting out buying extra beds before we leave so that Jed and Jaime will be able to host them. Again, here are some photos, plus you can click here for more.

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