Saturday 10 March 2007

Sammy's Birthday

Sammy enjoyed 2 parties for his birthday. One of his own - with Thomas Cake and the other a joint one with Matt, who we were staying with at the time, who was 6 on the same day.

He had some nice presents too!

Thursday 8 March 2007

Sammy's School

Here is Sammy's new school, with him outside in his smart school jacket on his first day.

Thursday 1 March 2007

The Journey

Here are a few pictures of our journey here. it involved a lot of packing and repacking - with the help of the boys!

We really appreciated the loan of a buggy as ours took 2 weeks longer to get here than we did!

It was good to finally be on our way to Cusco, the last leg of our journey - or was it the first?!

Here are a couple of views over Cusco, from the house we stayed in for the first couple of weeks in Cusco.